IFCA Syllabus for Coaching Examinations
The documents below are designed to serve as a guide to the standard expected of those who wish to take IFCA examinations. For further details contact Philip Bruce.
It is possible to apply to take exams for the lower levels of qualification via video assessment. For more details see HERE.
It is possible to apply to take exams for the lower levels of qualification via video assessment. For more details see HERE.
General Standard

ifca_-_the_standard.pdf |
Syllabus for Assistant Moniteur and Moniteur Examinations

ifca_-_syllabus_assist_mon___moniteur.pdf |
Syllabus for Prévôt and Maître Examinations

ifca_-_syllabus_prevot___maitre.pdf |
Syllabus for Theory Examination

ifca_-_syllabus_theory.pdf |